

I have always loved running quotes, workout quotes, any kind of motivational quotes.  I love putting them on my mirror and all over my desk.  Jordan made fun of me so much that I had to take all of them down.  It was a really sad day.  I'll have to find somewhere else to put them.  These are some of my favorites from pinterest.  Here is your extra motivation for the day!  


  1. I'm definitely feeling more motivated now. I love Gwyneth. Even if she does swear.

  2. Sam!! I am so glad I found your new blog (through Tiff's) YAY! It's very inspiring-I LOVE it!

    p.s. for reals we need to get together for a date night!

  3. Love it! My favorite is "No matter how slow you go you are lapping everyone on the couch." : ) I told myself this a lot in the beginning.
