
New Favorite Drink

We have been at Lake Powell this past weekend.  I wish I could stay there an entire month each Summer.  It is one of my favorite places in the World.  I spent so many hours paddle boarding.  The house boat we stayed on had four paddle boards so whenever we weren't on the boat I took a paddle board out.  This is the first lake trip I have been on that I surfed more than wakeboarded on the lake.  My dad just bought a brand new wake surfboard and we had a blast trying to learn tricks on it.  
Check out this cool wakesurf youtube video.  I have been constantly watching youtube videos of pro wakesurfing.  I'm convinced that I need to go to the lake everyday so I can be a pro!  Its as good as surfing gets here in AZ.

This is my new favorite drink!  I hardly ever drink anything but water. Sometimes that gets a little boring.  

What you will need:
any kind of mineral water
crystal light pure pack
-Add half of a crystal light pure pack to your mineral water and mix! 
crystal light pure packs are sweetened with truvia which comes from a stevia plant.  This is an all natural sugar from a plant.  Definitely a better alternative to other sugary drinks.

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