
new eyeshadows

Benefits of using natural mineral makeup

  • Many dermatologists recommend using mineral makeup
  • It does not have any preservatives, chemical dyes, or fragrance.
  • A lot of makeup helps cover up skin imperfections, but it can clog the pores and make a skin condition worse.  Mineral makeup is much better because it is oil free and is made of natural minerals.  They do not clog the skin and do not support the growth of bacteria, so this is helpful for people with acne prone skin.
  • Mineral makeup contains zinc oxide and titanium oxide, which are sunscreens that protect the skin against UVA and UVB rays.
  • Mineral makeup is better for people with sensitive skin who may have allergies to certain makeup
If you haven't guessed already, I want to go into dermatology after Physician Assistant school.

Here are some of my new colors I just made.  I made a lot of matte colors and a couple of colors that I wanted to use for eyeliner.  You can look at more pictures on my etsy shop.

I am about to burst any day now!  Can't wait for my baby girl to be here.  Also, I am sick to death of this whole pregnancy thing.  

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