
lumin minerals

This past weekend I had so much fun selling my mineral makeup at a boutique.  It ended up doing really well and gave me enough motivation to do another one.  They are a lot of work, but really fun at the same time.  The next one I will be at is Peppermint lane boutique.  I will have a big tent with LOTS of makeup.  I am going to have over ten different colors of eyeshadows, I'm also adding blush, bronzer, and a mineral veil.  I love making my own makeup because I can guarantee that everything in my makeup is safe!

On December 14th I'm going to be doing my last boutique for the year.  I will be at my booth the entire time.  Come stop by!  

Come follow me on instagram at luminminerals for upcoming deals.  My online shop will be up and running after Christmas.  Can't wait!

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