
Holiday gift packages!

I am so excited about my mineral makeup that I have been making.  This past month I did four boutiques and it was a lot of work!  I probably won't do boutiques anymore, it was exhausting.  I'm so excited for my online shop to open up soon!  Right now I am doing four holiday package deals for Christmas.  You can pick up locally (Mesa) or I will deliver for a $5 charge.  I can also ship for a $5 charge.  If you want to sample my colors before buying them email me at

First holiday gift package: 3 eyeshadow colors for $10

Second holiday package: any four eyeshadows and one eyeliner (black or cocoa) for $18

Third holiday package: mineral makeup starter package: This includes a foundation, bronzer, and peach blush for $25.  

Fourth holiday package: Foundation, peach blush, bronzer, one eyeliner (cocoa or black), and your choice of any 3 eyeshadows for $45.  Normally $60.

Here is my everyday makeup look.  I am wearing my medium light foundation, bronzer, peachy bliss blush, bronze eyeshadow, black eyeliner, 

makeup ingredients: mica, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, iron oxides.  All of my makeup contains only the safest ingredients!  

to sample out any of my makeup colors or purchase please email me at 

for upcoming news on my makeup and deals follow me on instagram @luminminerals

lumin minerals

This past weekend I had so much fun selling my mineral makeup at a boutique.  It ended up doing really well and gave me enough motivation to do another one.  They are a lot of work, but really fun at the same time.  The next one I will be at is Peppermint lane boutique.  I will have a big tent with LOTS of makeup.  I am going to have over ten different colors of eyeshadows, I'm also adding blush, bronzer, and a mineral veil.  I love making my own makeup because I can guarantee that everything in my makeup is safe!

On December 14th I'm going to be doing my last boutique for the year.  I will be at my booth the entire time.  Come stop by!  

Come follow me on instagram at luminminerals for upcoming deals.  My online shop will be up and running after Christmas.  Can't wait!

natural teething remedies for Allie

This past week I decided to start training for the turkey trot. So far I can barely run three miles.  I have been running with Allie, pushing her in the jogging stroller.  I want to do the 6 mile race, but I don't know if that will happen.  I can't believe I ran a marathon and can't even run 3 miles now!  Getting out of running shape is so easy!  Just stop running for two weeks and you pretty much lose it.  I love doing the turkey trot every year.  It's so nice to wake up and run before you eat a yummy meal that pretty much lasts all day long!  I'm not a big fan of turkey and stuffing so Thanksgiving food isn't really my thing.  Pumpkin pie is though!  I pretty much would rather just eat the pumpkin pie for dinner.  This year I'm going to make a vegan pumpkin pie from the blog Oh She Glows.  I love all of her recipes, they always taste good no matter what I make.  I can't wait until her cookbook comes out!

Lately Allie has been such a stinker!  She wakes up a couple times a night crying and eating her hands and anything she can get her mouth on.  I feel so bad for her so I can't just let her cry because I know her mouth is hurting her.  Orajel shouldn't be used on babies because it has benzocaine in it and has been linked to a disease called methemoglobinemia.  The FDA has warned people not to use this on babies.  You can read the CNN article here, I'm not making this stuff up people.  You would think that they would stop selling it, but no they still do.  So I became desperate to find something that would work for my baby.  I wanted my happy Allie back so bad!  I also really like sleeping!

Allie's teething routine!

Her teeth usually don't bother her that much during the day.  It starts around 6 that she gets really angry and starts doing but thrusts in the air and chews on anything she can find.  This can go on for hours and hours.  At night this is what I have been doing for her and ever since she has been using all this stuff she has slept 8 hours or more.  

2 doses of camilia 

Camilia is a natural medicine that has chamomilla to relieve teething pain, phytolacca decandra which relieves painful gums, and rheum which relieves minor digestive disorders associated with teething.  All natural and safe ingredients.

I rub coconut oil and lavender oil on her jaw and around her nose.

I mix 1 tbsp coconut oil to 2 drops lavender oil and put them in these containers that I bought at the dollar store.  It smells so good, helps her sleep, and helps sooth her sore jaw.

I also rub coconut oil and clove oil on her sore gums.

I mix 1 tbsp of coconut oil to 2 drops clove oil and put them in a container and mix it.  Then I just use a qtip or my finger and rub her mouth where it is bothering her the most.  Clove oil helps numb the mouth and relieve the pain.  These three things have been helping out a lot.  

Sometimes I just give her a cold carrot to chew on :)

Here is a video of my thruster girl!  She does this A LOT!  

and here is what my happy girl looks like
Being a mom is so hard sometimes, but it is worth it!
I have so much fun dressing this girl

I have been working really hard to get all of my eyeshadows done in time for this boutique.  There are going to be over 80 venders, so come get your holiday shopping done early!  I've never sold my mineral makeup at a boutique before so I'm kind of nervous, but if no one buys it at least Christmas is coming up and I can use them for presents, right?

These are some of the pictures my sisters let me take of them.  Aren't they gorgeous?  I used my mineral makeup on them to get some pretty shots.  

Top pictures are amber glaze with maroon matte.
bottom pictures are silver with black..

weekend getaway

We went to Camarillo, California this past weekend for a quick vacation.  We wanted to take Allie to the beach now that she's older and a little easier.  I watched Allie while Jordan went on a long bike ride along the coast and then the next day he watched Allie on the beach while I surfed.  It worked out perfectly.  Then on our last day there we went to the Santa Barbara Zoo.  Taking Allie to the zoo was my favorite part about the trip.  She loved the flamingos the most!  She was just staring at every single animal saying oooooohh, it was so cute! 

Here are some pictures from our trip

We found an organic farm on the way home from the beach.  It was delicious!  Strawberries, tomatoes, and squash to add to our dinner.

My grandparents have tons of avocado trees in their backyard.  I was in avocado heaven!
Some things I have been loving lately.....

making eyeshadows!

I just signed up to sell my makeup at two boutiques!  I am so excited, but have lots to do!  I will post more info on it when it gets sooner.


Love the engine 2 veggie burgers for a quick healthy dinner.

This is my new favorite pizza.  It's trader joes no meat, no cheese, organic pizza.  Healthy and delicious!!

I'm Back!

I'm back!  I have been adjusting to this whole mom thing for a while and finally feel like I might want to start blogging again.  I also really miss making my mineral makeup, so hopefully that will start up soon too!  Being a mom is the greatest thing ever and is so much fun.  Allie has so much energy!  

For the past two weeks I have been eating a completely whole foods plant based diet.  No processed foods, no meat, and no dairy.  It has been so much fun experimenting with new recipes and trying to be creative.   A couple nights ago Rip Esselstyn, author of the Engine 2 Diet spoke at whole foods in Phoenix.  It was so much fun.  Allie was a little crazy for half of it so my husband just walked her around whole foods so I could listen.  

Some of my favorite things from the night....

"Your genes are not your destiny!"-Not many people know that your genes do not control your destiny.  The way you eat is far more important than any genetic predisposition you have.

Mexico is now the fattest country! So glad we are not number 1 anymore.

Protein from animals and dairy creates metabolic acidosis in our bodies and our bodies want to then create a neutral environment.  We use the calcium from our bones in order to buffer the acid.  Dairy is actually doing the opposite of what we think it is, it is actually weakening our bones.  We can get way better sources of calcium from plants!

Plant based proteins are complete proteins!

You can get your daily amount of vitamin b12 from fortified cereals, plant based milk, and nutritional yeast.

You can get enough iron from a plant based diet

"How many people do you know that were hospitalized last year for protein deficiency?"  We actually don't need as much protein as we think.  

I highly recommend getting Rip Esselstyn's new book, My Beef with Meat.  It explains every nutrition myth in a short easy to understand way.  It also has a ton of recipes in the back!  

This is from the other night at Whole Foods.  How did my baby get this big!

Here are some pictures from Allison's first week

I miss my cute little baby, but at the same time I'm so happy I get to sleep 8 hours most nights now.

how to choose safe sunscreens for Summer

Now that it is really getting hotter here, its time to use sunscreen every day!  There are so many different sunscreens out there and its hard to know which ones are the safest and work the best.

What to look for
  • active ingredients: zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, Mexoryl SX or abobenzone (3%)
  • SPF 15 to 50 depending on your skin tone
  • Lotions, not sprays or powders
  • water-resistant

What to avoid
  • vitamin A (reginyl palmitate) causes skin cancer in laboratory tests
  • oxybenzone, a hormone disrupter and skin allergen
  • High SPF, it  misleads people and offers no additional benefit

best beach sunscreens

 aveeno baby natural protection mineral block face stick spf 50

adorable baby, clear baby sunscreen spf 30

alba botanica  very emollient sunblock, kids mineral protection spf 30
alba botanica very emollient sunblock, fragrance free spf 30

babyganics cover up baby sunscreen for face and body, fragrance free spf 50

best sunscren lip balms

alba botanica natural very emollient sunscreen lip care spf 25 

babyganics cover up kisses lip balm, orange cream spf 20

badger unscented lip balm stick spf 15

best moisturizers with SPF

100% pure hydration organic pomegranate antioxidant, SPF 20
I have been wanting to try this out for a while.  Their lotions are so great!

Desert essence gentle nourishing day cream, SPF 15

Juice beauty tinted mineral moisturizer, ivory, SPF 30 

johnson's baby daily face and body lotion spf 40

Here is a complete list of safe sunscreens on EWG's skin base website.

EWG's hall of shame sunscreen list.  These are the worst sunscreens out there

banana boat ids quik blok sunblock spray lotion, spf 35-4% oxybenzone
coppertone water babies sunscreen lotion, spf 70+ -6% oxybenzone

banana boat baby tear free sunscreen lotion, SPF 50+
Arbonne baby care sunscreen lotion SPF 30
Australian gold baby formula lotion sunscreen, SPF 50+

Neutrogena wet skin kids beach and pool sunblock stick, SPF 70

There are 100s of sunscreens that are unsafe.  These are just a few that are bad.  Be sure to research if a sunscreen is safe on EWG's website before buying any.